Monday, July 9, 2012

Some Great Advice

So those of you who have been reading my posts know that I have been researching teacher burnout. I came across this article that I think has some great advice. It is always a good idea to go to the pros.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Some More About Balancing it Out!

I am still in the research process of finding out how to keep a healthy balance of work life and personal endeavors. Here is what I found today.;read=3311

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Taking care of yourself

In the teaching profession it is so easy to lose yourself and the ones you love in all the meetings, new intiatives, and piles of paper. It is now my personal mission to find balance in an otherwise balanced world. In the next couple of posts I will be researching what others say about how they keep themselves uplifted and maintain a life outside of the classroom. My intentions are not to negate how important our roles are, but to prevent students from losing one of the most important resources they have---us. I am sure many of these tips could be useful not only from the teaching perspective, but other viewpoints and professions as well. I look forward to presenting my findings.

Here are a few links to some helpful articles...some are not even geared toward teachers, but are downright good reminders! :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Hello, my name is ******** and I am a pinterest addict. I am sure there is more than one of you out there that can relate to this.

HOWEVER, it is the middle of summer and throughout the course of the day yesterday I spent several hours off and on posting way too many pins to my various teacher boards and even created a few new boards of my own. You can find me on pinterest here.

You can check me out and I hope you will find something useful for your teaching and or personal life. Have a blessed day!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Today is the beginning of a new adventure for me! This is the first day of blogging for me. I am not sure of the vision of my endeavors, but nevertheless I believe it will be profitable. One has unlimited potential when it comes to one of these lovely blogs and it never hurts to have a hobby to make things interesting. I hope to see myself bloom as the year progresses on. Here's to all the fabulous encounters to follow!